Mindset Matters

The unknown. A new road. New people. A new career.


It can be scary. Fear sets in. Doubts take over. Do you take that first step, or do you let the fear paralyze you and stop you in your tracks?

We have all been told how important it is to be surrounded by the “right” people. Having positive, encouraging and supportive people in our lives can help us take that first step in a new direction and keep us moving forward on our path to success. Those people push us to be the best version of ourselves. It is true - we DO need those people in our lives. Maybe its your family, best friend, a great mentor at work, your workout crew, your church family or even your Bunco group. You need those people. We all do.

If these people have such a big part of our journey, how much of it is left up to us? What if you don't have those people in your life?

The reality is that it is 100% up to us. We can have hundreds of positive people pushing us, pulling us and cheering for us but if we don’t take action, nothing happens. We have to get our mind right. We have to decide to do something and then we must do it!

I will be the first to admit that starting something new is terrifying! It has taken me years to step outside my comfort zone and once I finally did step out and post my first blog post, I was a nervous wreck. I posted and immediately shut down the computer and went to bed. Although I received great feedback, I then went MIA. I did it once and then retreated and froze with fear. Here it is, over two months later and I have finally worked up the courage to get back at it. So I get you. I understand the fear that bubbles up inside when you take a big dream and start thinking of turning it to reality. I am blessed to have an amazing support system around me-my parents, sisters, husband, many friends and family who all believe in me. No matter what path I take, they believe that I can do it and they will be there to encourage me and pick me up when I fall. So many of you have asked about my blog and my progress and encouraged me take the next step and make the next post. I have come up with a million excuses, but it all boils down to fear.

Fear of failure. Fear of success. They are nearly the exact same feeling.

I have so many ideas of things I want to do. I have been an accountant for over fifteen years now. It comes pretty easy to me and I still enjoy working with numbers, but it is no longer my dream. It doesn’t excite me and make me want to get out of bed in the mornings.

For about three years I have been pursuing something more. I have had a hunger to grow and learn and to change my mindset. I gave myself a little freedom to dream and imagine what I would do if I was no longer an accountant. For about a year I didn’t tell a single person that I was even thinking of anything different or dreaming of something bigger. When I finally confided in my husband he was extremely supportive. He has encouraged me to try some things out and just start experimenting with what I want to do. But I have let fear and doubt and comparison creep in and steal my joy and excitement about these ideas. It has left me standing there just staring into space waiting for the ideas to magically become reality. The truth is, they never will unless I take action and do something about it.

About a year ago I spent a weekend in Fort Worth surrounded by over 1500 women who were also dreaming of something more. We listened to women, who had actually taken steps to turn their dreams into reality, share their stories. Something ignited inside of me that weekend. All of the books I had read over the past three years, all of the podcasts I have listened to, the conversations with my husband about what our future looked like were all colliding at the Business Boutique conference. There were signs all over the place with encouraging words and the pages in my workbook were filled with these quotes from Christy Wright. I knew I was in the right place.

“There is freedom on the other side of your fear.”

“Starting something new is risky and uncomfortable, but the people who win in business and life do it anyway.”

“Don’t wait until you’re not scared to do the thing you want to do. Do it scared.” (This one was my favorite!)

You see, positive people matter. A support system matters. But more than anything, your own mindset matters. Although its been slow progress for me, its still progress. Baby steps forward are still steps in the right direction and each one of those tiny steps forward takes away a little bit more of that fear and builds up more confidence for the next step.

Start reading. Find that conference to attend or that podcast to follow that will give you the push to take that first step. Fill your mind with words that push you in the right direction and then DO IT SCARED. Take action! Take one small step in the direction you want to go and watch God unveil a path that you never could have imagined for yourself. He's doing it with me right now.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11, NIV)

It starts with you.

It starts with getting your mind in the right place. You can do it. I believe in you! I am on this journey with you. This is my small step and I am doing it scared. It took a little while to find my voice and find the courage, but here I am! Do it with me! Tell me what your first baby step is and how you are changing your mindset. Let's take this walk together.



4 Replies to “Mindset Matters”

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Love that verse! And the advice to “do it scared” is priceless. Great perspective, Tiffany. Thanks.

  2. Tiffany,
    Thank you for sharing. It can be hard to make the first move when we know our passion is changing. You’re right about how we need to write our ideas down and share them with a loved one so they can help encourage us.

    Sometimes, I need a little push to change. I tend to want to stay and force it to work. I don’t want to feel as though I failed by letting go. When really I’m just growing and need to move to the next chapter!

    Again, thank you for taking a brave step in sharing your heart.


  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “0”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “awesome blog” in “comment_content” *]
    Awesome blog! I love how you said that it doesn’t matter how much support you have with people encouraging and pushing you it still always boils down to you in the end. “Do it scared”.

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