Its been a rough week. The new year started, I sat down and wrote my goals, I had big aspirations and then SNEEZE. COUGH. SNIFFLE. My home was infected!
Last week my husband seemed to have a bad case of allergies. With the weather being up and down between 30 and 70 degrees and winds up to 25mph, it was no surprise. This happens to him about once a year. The second or third day he decided to stay home from work and rest up. Now, in the ten years I have known him I think I can count on one hand how many times he has taken a sick day for actually being sick. Sure, he has had wisdom teeth pulled and 3 knee scopes, but outside of those big things he just doesn’t get sick. But when he does…..heaven help us.
I was sitting at our table working on a Wordoku puzzle (Sidenote: if you love Sudoku then you have to try these. I have become addicted!) when I hear this loud SIGH coming from the couch. I kept my head down and tried to concentrate, but there it came again and then again. Finally, I looked over and said “Really?! Do I make those noises when I am sick?” He got a kick out of it and stated his case, but he was being pretty dramatic. He did look like he felt pretty miserable and being that he took the day off of work, I knew he must feel bad. Thankfully, it only took a couple of days and he was feeling much better and hitting the golf course.
And then a couple of days after that I started feeling horrible. Sore throat, stuffy, couldn’t breathe, smell or taste. Ugh! Apparently he didn’t have allergies. He had a cold and had been so generous to pass it right on over to me. Its what I get for giving him such a hard time about his loud sighs. I spent a couple of days laying around on the couch, without making dramatic noises. I am now on the mend but I can’t help but feel like I have already faced a setback on all of my new year goals. I missed a couple of workouts, I didn’t do any cooking or meal prepping, I didn’t clean out or organize any spaces in my house-nothing, zilch. I just laid on the couch dozing off into several naps between Hallmark movies.
How many of you set goals and resolutions and 2 weeks in to the new year you have already abandoned them? Or maybe you are like me and never even got started! Let me just tell you, I am with you. Its January 15th and I am just now getting started and figuring out where I need to go from here. I feel behind and flustered and so much of me says “what’s the point in even starting because I am so far behind”. Okay, maybe I do have a little flare for the dramatics as well. But we can’t let a little set back or a slight delay get us down. There is still plenty of time to just start today. So here I am, posting on my blog for the second week in a row. Lets keep our fingers crossed I can stay consistent with this. Its one of my biggest goals for the year. Maybe tomorrow I will clean out the cabinets in my bathroom to get the ball rolling.
Okay, who’s with me? Lets do this! What are you working on this week?
I’m there with you. It has been a slow start on my 2018 goals as well.